Tuesday, 27 October 2015

4 Things You Should Know About Detox | South Coast Counseling

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug abuse, here are four things you should know about drug and alcohol detox, and what it can do to the body.
Detoxification, most commonly referred to as “detox,” is the process an addict goes through when they are in withdrawal from a substance. Detox can be dangerous if not monitored by a professional and should not be attempted alone. If you or a loved one is struggling with drug abuse, here are four things you should know about drug and alcohol detox, and what it can do to the body.
1. Detox Can Be an Unpleasant Process
More often than not, detoxification from alcohol and drug abuse is not a pleasant experience. The addict will most like have uncomfortable symptoms that can last for an extended period of time. Depending on the substance that the addict has abused, the duration and frequency can all be factors that affect how long a detox process will last, or how severe the symptoms associated with such will be.
2. It Can Affect You Physically and Mentally
Common, physical symptoms of alcohol detox can include, but aren’t limited to: headaches, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, and sweating. Mental symptoms for both drug and alcohol detox can range from anxiety to depression, jumpiness, nightmares and more.
When the addict is in detox because of drug abuse, the physical symptoms are similar to that of alcohol detox, but depending on the drug, these symptoms can be more severe. For instance, those in drug detox can experience nausea and vomiting, but in addition to muscle tension, tightness in the chest and an elevated heart rate.
3. There are Dangers Associated with Detox
Especially with detox from drug abuse, the symptoms from such can be dangerous and even life-threatening. With alcohol detox, fever can spark, as well as hallucinations. In the most severe cases, the addict can experience a seizure.
As mentioned above, drug detox can cause an elevated heart rate, which can result in heart palpitations. The addict might have difficulty breathing and experience pain in their chest. A combination of these symptoms could result in strokes, heart attacks and grand mal seizures. Of course, only a small percentage of addicts going through detox experience these symptoms, and that number lowers even more when detox is monitored by a professional.
4. How Drug/Alcohol Rehab Can Help
If you or a loved one is going to go through detox, it is best to have the process monitored by a professional. They will be able to help you ease your symptoms and can react appropriately to an event, such as a heart attack,if one were to occur.
Additionally, these professional counselors can help you stay strong in your fight to become sober. It can be ease to cave-in while going through detox, but at the right Drug rehab Southern California center, you will be able to overcome your symptoms. After you have completed detox, you can move into recovery, where you will gain the tools you need in order to lead a sober life.

At South Coast Counseling, we help those who are going through the process of detox. Additionally, we offer counseling for the treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. Our professional and caring staff is here to help you overcome your addiction. Contact us today to start your journey towards sobriety.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Do You Have a Substance Abuse Problem? | South Coast Counseling

Here are a few things you can take into consideration if you are wondering whether or not you have a substance abuse problem.
If you find that you are frequently turning to the bottle or even using illicit drugs on a routine basis, you could be beginning to wonder if you have a substance abuse problem. Having a reason to believe that you have a problem can be one of the biggest indicators that you do, in fact, have an addiction. Here are a few things you can take into consideration if you are wondering whether or not you have a substance abuse problem.
Have Your Actions Changed Drastically ?
You have to be completely honest with yourself when it comes to questioning your recent actions. Most of the time, substance abusers are in a state of denial of the fact that they are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
By telling yourself the truth, you can determine if there has been a change in your actions. If your behavior has indeed changed drastically, this could be a sign that you are living your life for your alcohol or drug addiction.
These changes can range from physical to emotional. Unstable or a drastic shift in sleep patterns, the inability to gain self-control, an intensified desire to get in arguments and developing a disinterest in previous relationships or hobbies can signify changes in your actions and behavior. 
Are You Making Excuses?
By creating reasons to drink or use drugs, you are making excuses for your substance abuse problem. This could indicate that you have an addiction, if you feel as if you would be willing to do or say anything that would allow for you to succumb to your vice.
These excuses can also lead to blatant lies, where not only are you hurting yourself, but you are hurting those around you. Lies can lead to the growth of your addiction, as you are now allowing yourself the opportunity to partake in substance abuse by justifying your actions.
What about Your Loved Ones?
Has anyone addressed you about your substance abuse? If your spouse, closest friends or family members have noticed your habit, and if your drinking or drug use is frequent enough to gain the attention of others, this could be an indicator that you are using more than you even realize. 
Beyond your friends and family mentioning your substance abuse rehab, it is possible that your actions are having a negative impact on their lives as well. Anger and hurtful words can often be said to you if you are drinking or using drugs. This could be your loved ones trying to tell you how your substance abuse rehab makes them feel, and you may not be listening.
If you have asked yourself these questions, and given yourself honest answers, you might be able to determine whether or not you have an addiction. However, if you find that you do have a substance abuse problem, it is nothing to beat yourself up over. You have already made the first and hardest step: admittance. If you are ready to continue on the path of recovery, contact us today to learn more about substance abuse rehab.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Addictive Illegal Substances: Methamphetamines (South Coast Counseling)

If your loved one has a meth addiction, you should inform yourself on the history and effects of the substance to best understand this form of drug abuse.
Often times, you will hear about how methamphetamines, also known as “meth,” are a big problem in today’s world. In fact, there are more than 24.7 million people addicted to crystal meth, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Because this is such a widely-abused drug, it is possible that you have a loved one who has slipped into the awful cycle of meth addiction. If your loved one has a meth addiction, you should inform yourself on the history and effects of the substance to best understand this form of drug abuse.
The History of Meth
Though it was initially discovered in 1887, the first use of synthesized amphetamine was not until 1919, during World War I. It has been said that this kind of meth was used to keep tank drivers awake during the war. In the 1960s, this substance was used more commonly by athletes, students, gangs and truck drivers.
In 1980, crystal meth was invented because the government put Phenyl-2-propanone, amphetamine’s main component, under federal control. Meth cooks discovered that this new version of the substance was more potent than the first. Users quickly took to the new substance and cartels quickly formed, supplying meth to the West Coast of the United States. Though after decades of trying to slow the trafficking and making of methamphetamines, this illegal substance has still spread to all parts of the nation, sparking a wave in drug abuse.
The Consequences of Meth
Meth addiction can cause a myriad of health issues, which can be further worsened by continued use. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, short-term effects of this drug abuse can include, but not be limited to: increased activity, decreased appetite, euphoria, increased respiration, irregular heartbeat and even hyperthermia.
Long-term effects of meth addiction can have an effect on the brain, both physically and mentally. For instance, meth abusers may experience memory loss and hallucinations, while there are shortfalls in their thinking and motor skills. Additionally, violent behavior may spark from meth use, as well as mood disturbances and destructibility. Weight loss and severe dental issues can also be associated with long-term meth addiction.
How Treatment Helps
Because long-term meth abuse has such detrimental health consequences, it is important that you seek help for your loved one who may have a Meth addiction Southern California. Not only can this kind of drug abuse come with serious health issues, it can also land your loved one in trouble with the law.

Drug abuse rehab would be able to help bring your loved one out of their meth addiction. With varying methods of therapy, those with a drug abuse problem would learn how to control their addiction, so that they can live a healthy lifestyle once again. They would be provided with the tools they need in order to re-enter the world, void of meth.
To learn more about how the professionals at South Coast Counseling can help you or your loved one with their meth addiction Meth addiction Southern California, please visit our website or contact us.

Monday, 5 October 2015

How to Make the Most Out of Substance Abuse Rehab | South Coast Counseling

There will be counselors to help you through treatment, but you will have to put forth effort, too, in order to make the most out of substance abuse rehab.
One of the hardest things you will have to endure on your road to recovery is admitting that you need help. After you have achieved this step, first congratulate yourself, and then begin to prepare for rehab. There will be counselors to help you through treatment, but you will have to put forth effort, too, in order to make the most out of substance abuse rehab.
Stay Positive
Once you have reached substance abuse rehab, it is possible that you are feeling down, especially if you suffer from a co-occurring disorder like depression or anxiety. One of the most important things you can remember to do through the course of treatment is to remain positive.
Trust in the professionals at your rehab center and trust in yourself that you will make it through this. Continue to celebrate the fact that you have made it this far. A positive attitude will keep you going and help you make the most out of a trying situation.
Be Open and Willing
It can be easy to shut yourself off from others in times like these, but you should try to stay open. By listening to others’ struggles and sharing your own, you will be able to bond and connect with those to whom you can relate. These new relationships can steer away feelings of loneliness so that you will feel more engaged.
If you aren't willing during substance abuse rehab, you could miss out on activities or lessons that would help you in your recovery. This willingness can also apply to trying alternative methods of therapy, so that you find what works best for you and get the most out of your treatment.
Involve Yourself
Like being open and willing, involving yourself goes beyond doing the minimum. Chances are, your substance abuse rehab center offers a variety of activities, lessons, lectures and group sessions in which you can partake.
Involving yourself in as many different situations as possible can teach you something you may have not learned in your mandatory sessions. Additionally, if you involve yourself in something willingly, you know that you are doing everything you can to get healthy.
Follow the Plan
Lastly, but importantly, stick to the plan that is made for you. Professional counselors understand your struggles and know how to help you recover. Trust them and their knowledge to make a plan for you that will work.                                    
If you got outside of the parameters that have been set before you, there is a chance you won’t make it through Substance abuse rehab California properly. You might set goals for yourself that are too high or too low, and you could lose the motivation to try. If you feel as if your plan is not working for you, have an open discussion with your counselor about it. They will be glad you came to them about it, and they will try to rectify the issues you may be having.
Following these steps could help you make the most out of your substance abuse rehab experience and the opportunity to better your life. Contact South Coast Counseling if you feel like you or a loved one is in need of substance abuse rehab.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

5 Things You Should Know About Dual Diagnosis | South Coast Counseling

When someone has been determined to have a dual diagnosis, this means that they have a substance abuse problem in addition to a mental health disorder. The world of dual diagnosis is complicated because it can come in so many different forms. Here are five things you should know about dual diagnosis so that you can better understand the disorder and help those who may be suffering.
1. Dual Diagnosis is Common
Some studies have shown that as many as half of those with a substance abuse problem also suffer from a dual diagnosis, due to a form of mental illness. Alternatively, four million of those who have a diagnosed mental health disorder also struggle with substance abuse.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), of these millions of people, only a little more than seven percent attend dual diagnosis rehab for both of their disorders. Some receive treatment for one of their struggles, but most do not receive any treatment at all.
2. It Can Come in Many Forms
Basically any combination of a mental disorder and a form of substance abuse can be considered a dual diagnosis. Because of this, treatment can prove to be difficult. Until recently, patients were treated for their disorders and substance abuse problems separately, which proved to be ineffective more often than not.
3. There are Common Forms
Despite the seemingly endless combinations of dual diagnosis, certain patterns have been detected, resulting in common forms of this disorder. Along with substance abuse, the most common mental disorders associated with dual diagnosis are: depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and schizophrenia.
While the substance paired with these mental health issues can vary, alcohol is most commonly associated with depression, personality and bipolar disorders and anxiety. It is mistakenly believed that alcohol takes the “edge” off the symptoms of these illnesses, which unfortunately can lead to substance abuse.
4. Patients can be Considered “High-Risk”
Because mental health disorders can take a toll on someone’s brain and body, adding substance abuse to the mix can only worsen the situation. While the sufferer may think that drinking or using drugs will make them feel better, it can maximize the symptoms that are associated with their mental health disorders. This is why some are led to believe that high-suicide rates can be associated with dual diagnosis.
5. It can be Difficult to Treat
Considering the fact that there are so many types of this disorder and that the patients can be at high-risk, dual diagnosis can be difficult to treat. Few rehab centers in the country are equipped with the tools and the staff to be able to treat someone with a dual diagnosis rehab. Medical advances have been made in order to more effectively treat these kinds of patients, but unfortunately, it is not easily accessible for every rehab center at this current point in time.
South Coast Counseling is one of those few centers that is able to treat patients in dual diagnosis rehab. If you feel that you or a loved one is suffering from dual diagnosis, please, do not hesitate to contact us for more information about therapy options.